beta readers

10% off all editing services!

December Sale!

I’m running a sale throughout December on ALL my editing services and finishing 2019 with a bang!! Until 1st January 2020, you will receive 10% off ANY of my services. Finished your NaNoWriMo manuscript and not sure what to do next? Try my writing advice, beta service, or developmental editing. Finally got through the last … Read More

Two people drinking coffee together

Meet the Author: Sheila M Johnson

Sheila M Johnson is a lifelong writer of genre fiction, creating extraordinary tales of the human condition since the age of twelve. She has studied English Literature and Creative Writing at both Macomb Community College and Oakland University. Sheila spent several years living in central Texas as well as on the beautiful island of Okinawa, … Read More

A laptop, a coffee, and an open notebook

How to Edit on a Budget (Or with No Budget at All)

In my last blog post, I discussed why I feel it’s worth paying for good editorial work; my opinion (unsurprisingly) still stands, and if you are wavering at all on whether to pay for editing, please do read it before deciding. However, as I mentioned, I’m fully aware that some writers just literally don’t have … Read More

Handwritten notes on a page

Seven Top Tips for Self-Editing: A Guide for New Authors

You’ve finally finished that novel or short story collection. It’s taken you months… maybe even years! Hooray! …WHAT NOW? Before you consider professional editing and publication, it’s always worth going over your work at least once. It can be tempting to just hand your work over to someone else, and self-editing often feels like the … Read More