If You Are Looking for an Editor, Look No Further!

Much gratitude goes out to Emma. It is a hard thing for a writer to let go of their work and simply trust someone with the story or stories they have worked so tirelessly on, but I trusted Emma, and my stories are so much better because of it. Emma was such a joy to work with. She tells you what works and what doesn’t. It’s that plain and simple. Not only that, but she gives you the reasoning behind all her suggestions. Her edits are seamless and took my stories to a whole new level. She works hard not to change your story, but to enhance it. There is a certain flow that seems to entwine her suggestions to make my stories read smoother; that was the first thing I noticed when reading my stories after her first edits were made to them. She actually made my writing better (and I have no problem saying that). She is a master editor and I count myself lucky to have found her. Emma made me look like a seasoned professional. I would be honored to work with her again. If you are looking for an editor, look no further because Emma O’Connell is who you should go with.

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