developmental editing

10% off all editing services!

December Sale!

I’m running a sale throughout December on ALL my editing services and finishing 2019 with a bang!! Until 1st January 2020, you will receive 10% off ANY of my services. Finished your NaNoWriMo manuscript and not sure what to do next? Try my writing advice, beta service, or developmental editing. Finally got through the last … Read More

A photo of the Shakespeare and Company bookshop

Copy-editing vs. Proofreading: A Simple Guide for New Authors

As you’ve probably just discovered, a search for ‘copy-editing vs. proofreading’ brings up hundreds of different results, from ‘line editing’ to ‘proofreading’, and words such as ‘developmental’, ‘opinionated’ and ‘beta reading’ get thrown around, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. If you’re unsure where to start with getting your manuscript edited, it’s worth understanding … Read More